Tuttofood Milano 2023
TUTTOFOOD is the biggest food and drink event in Italy, attracting major international players. Since 2021, the organizers of the Fiera Milano event have been collaborating with Informa Markets to develop and consolidate TUTTOFOOD's position as the European exhibition center for agri-food products made in Italy and its increasingly international presence.

BR4 was present with the aim of connecting Italian companies and products with the Brazilian retail market and to celebrate partnership contracts with important suppliers.

APAS Show 2023
Known for being the largest food and beverage fair in the Americas, and the largest supermarket event in the world, APAS SHOW 2023 presents its new concept “Beyond Food”, which reflects its positioning of offering absolutely everything most relevant to the sector, from food and beverages to technology and innovation, including logistics, finance, infrastructure, equipment and much more.

Being alongside Brazilian retail companies seeking to understand their needs is an important direction for BR4 executives!